Monday, December 27, 2010

Actionscript part 2

some of actionscript that i manage to manipulate , that kinda important

this script use for container project the 3d objects , i do that 14 different container

this.modelContainer = new DisplayObject3D();
this.modelContainer.visible = false;

This script for add , update and remove the marker

if(evt.marker.patternId == 1)
trace("Pattern 1 Added");
this.activeMarker = evt.marker;

if(evt.marker.patternId == 1)
trace("Pattern 1 Updated");
this.activeMarker = evt.marker;

if(evt.marker.patternId == 1)
trace("Pattern 1 Removed");

2nd Prototype

i already manage the problem that encounter , it takes 2 weeks to solve it but its actually 5-mins problem only , damnnnn , so waste my time. but its still many need to repair , haihhhh , hopefully i can make this fyp succesfully.

here screenshot that i take

only 1 3d that scaled big , others kinda tiny.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Ahaaa , nice part we have here , actionscript part -_-" , first of all i'm really bad in actionscript but i try to get into it but it seems still not good yet , but there's some part i change and i test it , it's worked :) (the part that i change , i highlight it )

Initiation Script (External Script)

package {

import flash.display.Sprite;

[SWF(width="640", height="480", frameRate="30", backgroundColor="#FFFFFF")]
public class launchMultiMarker extends Sprite {

public function launchMultiMarker () {

this.addChild(new MultiMarkerMultiDae()); <--Main Class


This one for single marker that i've tested and compiled

public function Earth() {
addEventListener(Event.INIT, _onInit);
init('Data/camera_para.dat', 'Data/test16.pat'); <--this one for the marker

private function _onInit(e:Event):void {
_earth = new DAE();
_earth.load('model/jupiter.DAE')<--this one for the dae;
_earth.scale = 10;
_earth.rotationX = 90;

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _update);

private function _update(e:Event):void {
_earth.rotationZ -= 0.5<--this one for the dae animation (rotation)

This one for changing the collada models.

// (this model has to be scaled and rotated to fit the marker; every model is different.)

var model1:DAE = new DAE(true, "model1", true);
model1.load("assets/model4.dae");<--dae model

model1.rotationX = 0;
model1.rotationY = 0; <--- animation on dae model
model1.rotationZ = 0;
model1.scale = 10;

// load the model.
// (this model has to be scaled and rotated to fit the marker; every model is different.)

var model2:DAE = new DAE(true, "model2", true);
trace("model4 loaded");

model2.rotationX = 0;
model2.rotationY= 0;
model2.rotationZ = 0;
model2.scale = 10;

// load the model.
// (this model has to be scaled and rotated to fit the marker; every model is different.)

var model3:DAE = new DAE(true, "model3", true);

model3.rotationX = 0;
model3.rotationY= 0;
model3.rotationZ = 0;
model3.scale = 10;

XML for the multiple marker

sorry i take this code by screenshot because there's a problem when i wrote this code on this blog.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Project Progress

Blender is a software , not the kitchen blender. First of all , this software is commonly use for the3D modeling for augmented reality application but i still learn it and it's kinda hard because no one can teach me how to use it. It's because this software can export the 3D model into DAE file format. I spend about 6 hours to have the basics of the software but it's still didn't help me at all.
In the end i find another solution that i use external component for 3DMax for exporting the DAE files and its works , down here screen shot about the blender software. I've no idea how to manage this software.

Blender Screenshot 1

Blender Screenshot 2

Blender Screenshot 3

Sorry can't prepared the multiple marker for multiple collada , this is the problem why , i spend about 4 - 6 hours everyday looking and finding the error

Progress Screenshot 1

Progress Screenshot 2

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

First Prototype

Hey guys , i got some prototype to show here , maybe its not finish but i just want to show that this application run ;)

First run on the first prototype.
- i try on single customize marker , and its works , down here the screenshots



Second run on the first prototype
- i try on multiple customize marker , but its not the 3D but only tested on cube.

Multiple Customize Marker ( Cube )

*Still looking how to project multiple marker with multiple DAE (3D)

Monday, November 8, 2010

FLAR Marker

These markers is custom made markers , it use for webcam detection and the application will project the 3d image upon the markers inside the screen output.

Marker for displaying sun

Marker for displaying planet mercury

Marker for displaying planet venus

Marker for displaying planet earth

Marker for displaying moon

Marker for displaying planet mars

Marker for displaying planet jupiter

Marker for displaying planet saturn

Marker for displaying planet neptune

Marker for displaying planet pluto

Marker for displaying phase of the moon

Marker for displaying sun eclipse

Marker for displaying moon eclipse

Marker for displaying planet uranus

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Magic Book Layout

Design for the books , here the design cover

Front Cover

layout for planet uranus

layout for sun

layout for planet saturn

layout for planet neptune

layout for moon

layout for planet mercury

layout for planet mars

layout for planet earth

layout for planet pluto

layout for planet jupiter

layout for planet venus

layout for moon eclipse

layout for lunar/moon phase

layout for sun eclipse

3D Planets

Here is the progress that i've been made , it's modelling the content ( planets ) , the progress shown by screen shots that i've taken.



















Project Organization

Gantt Chart

Timeline for the FYP 2

Budget list

Flow Chart

Overall flow chart

Detailed flow chart

Floor Plan

First perspective ( zoom in detail )

Second perspective view ( semi-zoom )

Third perspective view ( overall )